What We Do (Services Provided)

  • Individual & Couples Counseling
  • Group Work
    • Team/group workshops and presentations 
    • Guest lectures in relevant courses
  • Biofeedback Training

What to expect for your appointment

There is no charge for counseling services to current eligible BYU student-athletes. Initial paperwork can be completed online through a link provided by the mental health provider. The first counseling session typically lasts 50 minutes and will be spent gathering information from the student-athlete about mental health concerns and goals for counseling. Follow-up counseling sessions typically last 45-50 minutes and focus on developing coping skills, processing emotions, and working toward treatment goals.

If it is determined more specialized or long-term treatment is need, a referral to a community provider may be necessary.


Your trust and privacy are very important to us. All counseling services are kept confidential. No information from counseling is shared without the written consent of the student-athlete. Some exceptions to this rule may include danger to self or others, etc.

Schedule Appointment

You can set an appointment by directly contacting your team mental health provider via phone, text, email or Pronto. If you are unsure who your team mental health provider is consult with your athletic trainer who can provide you with the information. Or you can find the information here.