Joshua Burgess - Up Close

Nickname: "Burge"

Favorite cold cereal: Cinnamon Life

Favorite Steve Cleveland quote: "Josh, how's your younger brother?"

Why did I choose to play Basketball over other sports: The soccer coach said my feet were too big.

Before a Basketball game, I: Listen to the same song on the drive over and shoot 100 shots before the game.

How did I spend my off-season: In the weight room and shooting 300 shots a day.

Who has had the greatest influence on my Basketball career and why: My older brother Chris and my dad because they have pushed me to be better every time.

What do I want to be doing 20 years from now: Be a successful chiropractor or physical therapist.

Who is the best player I've ever faced: Chris Burgess and Jason Kapono.

The dirtiest team I've ever played is: San Bernardino, Pacific.

What would I like to do sometime in my life: Get married.

One place I would like to visit: New Zealand (where Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed).

If I could play another position, what would it be: Swing man, small forward.

How did I select my jersey number: Favorite number is 7, 3+4=7.

What is my favorite hobby or activity away from Basketball: Golf.

The best book I've ever read: Of Mice and Men

People say I look like: Phil Mickelson, Hugh Grant and Yao Ming.

My favorite professor or most interesting class I've taken at BYU: Sociology, Dr. Bahr.

What is my most memorable athletic achievement or moment: Playing in my first college game after a three-year break.

If I had to give up all of my possessions except one, what would be the one thing I kept and why: Xbox with Halo in it.

My favorite scripture: D&C 121:7-10

My favorite website is:,

Interesting fact most people don't know about me: I'm funny.

If I were on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, the person I'd call for my lifeline is: My brother, Ben, `cause he would be quick to look it up on the Internet.

On game day: My family probably just turns on the TV to follow the game.